How many subscribers do you need to make money You Tube 2022

How many subscribers do you need to make money You Tube 2022 , How much money YouTubers make, according to creators, How to earn money on YouTube 2022

How many subscribers do you need to make money You Tube 2022

How many subscribers do you need to make money You Tube 2022

For YouTube creators to start making money or to develop the business into a successful side hustle, they don't need hundreds of thousands of followers.

A creative must be enrolled in the YouTube Partner Program in order to begin making money from YouTube directly. A minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 view hours are required for creators to be considered. Once approved, producers can begin making money from their channels by adding subscriptions, channel memberships, and adverts that are screened through Google's AdSense program.

Creators can also be eligible for a bonus of between $100 and $10,000 per month from a $100 million Shorts Fund in addition to the Partner Program for posting short-form videos.

Google-placed adverts are the most typical method for creators to make money directly via YouTube. For instance, YouTube creator Jen Lauren, who has 5,000 subscribers, claimed that in a recent month, her channel brought home $213 from advertisements.

Some producers employ special tactics to enter the Partner Program and maximize their video revenue.

In order to meet the necessary view hours, Amanda Wan, who has 8,500 YouTube followers, said she made longer videos, between 10 and 15 minutes long. Wan, a Canadian resident, makes videos on her experiences as a college student.

Furthermore, YouTuber Shelby Church (1.6 million followers) stated that she finds it beneficial to incorporate four adverts on a single video that is longer than 10 minutes.

You can incorporate a variety of advertisements into your YouTube video, including:

  • Display ads -display in your video's upper right side, above the list of suggested videos.
  • Overlay ads - show as a banner in your video's lower third.
  • Bumper ads -are adverts that can't be skipped and must be seen before your video. These commercials are only 6 seconds long.
  • Sponsored cards  - the right side of your video should contain relevant video content.
  • Mid-roll ads - can be used in movies that are longer than ten minutes. Both skippable and non-skippable adverts are possible. A creator can choose whether they want YouTube to automatically generate mid-roll advertisements or to manually position them.

After those advertisements begin to generate revenue, YouTube will send the artist a check in the mail once they have made at least $100.

According to Zoe Pritchard, who has 23,000 subscribers, "I guess my first payday was like $124." "I was ecstatic. I used it to go out and purchase a ring light." Some nano influencers also make money via direct sponsorship agreements with brands in addition to Google-placed adverts. The three-page media kit that Lauren used to secure her first brand agreement was made available. According to her, the cost of an Instagram sponsorship (one in-feed post) or YouTube sponsorship (brand mention) varies depending on the complexity of the project.

Additionally, YouTube creators should be aware that any income they get from the site will be subject to taxation.

So how much money do YouTube creators make?

Advertisers pay YouTube a specific amount for every 1,000 views of their ads (CPM). The remainder goes to the artist after YouTube deducts 45%. Revenue per mille (RPM), the main monetization indicator for YouTube, displays the amount of money a creator makes for every 1,000 views.

After YouTube deducts their part. Certain topics, like personal finance or cryptocurrencies, might increase a creator's ad revenue by luring a prosperous audience.