How To Change Your YouTube Channel Name mobile and desktop 2022

Want to change your YouTube channel name? Now you can, and it won't affect your Gmail, How to change YouTube channel name on mobile and desktop, How can you change your Channel on YouTube?

How To Change Your YouTube Channel Name mobile and desktop 2022
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How To Change Your YouTube Channel Name mobile and desktop 2022

YouTube channels can now have a name change without it impacting the associated Google account. See how it works step-by-step.

YouTube permits makers to change the name of their channel without it influencing the name on their Google account.

Makers can change both their channel name and photograph and the updates will just apply to YouTube.

Gone are the days when YouTube makers were expected to keep up with a similar name across all Google administrations.

Presently, you can involve one name for your YouTube channel and one more name for messages sent from your Gmail account, for instance.

This article will teach you, step-by-step, how to change your YouTube channel name without the changes following you across all of Google.

Changing Your YouTube Channel Name

YouTube makers with both individual records and brand records can change the name of their channel without changing their Google account name.

These progressions can be produced using either YouTube Studio on work area or the YouTube versatile application.

Change YouTube Channel Name On Desktop

1. Sign In To YouTube

To change the name of your YouTube channel, begin by marking into YouTube.

From that point, click on your profile photograph in the upper right corner and select "Your channel" starting from the drop menu.

(Screenshot from, September 2022)

2. Customize Channel In YouTube Studio

From your channel page click on Customize Channel.

This will take your channel’s dashboard in YouTube Studio.

(Screenshot from, September 2022)

3. Edit Channel Name

At the point when you're in YouTube Studio, select Fundamental data from the top route menu.

Then click on the pencil symbol close to your channel name, which will permit you to alter it.

(Screenshot from, September 2022)

4. Save Changes

Save your new channel name by clicking the Publish button in the top right corner.

(Screenshot from, September 2022)

An Important Note For Verified YouTube Channels

Creators with confirmed YouTube channels ought to know that they'll lose their mark assuming they change the name of their channel.

This is reasonable finished to forestall YouTube channels from imitating different channels.

It would be not difficult to put out a phony news report, for instance, and make it look genuine if a channel would change their name to "CNN" and keep up with their confirmed mark.

Notwithstanding, it's feasible for makers to change their channel's name and get their mark back by applying for it once more. That might take some time, so consider the downsides prior to proceeding a name change.

How to Change a YouTube Channel’s URL

Changing the name of a YouTube channel doesn't change the channel's URL. That must be finished by following a different arrangement of steps.

YouTube allows clients to set a "custom" URL for their channel, which can be switched around to three times each year.

It's custom as in YouTube will permit makers to look over a determination of suggested URLs. The suggestions are firmly founded on the channel's name, as YouTube needs to keep makers from having possibly deceptive URLs.